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So I'm at work. They NEVER have anything for me to do here. If there is anything, it takes me about 5 minutes to complete, or it is some monotonous task that makes me fall asleep because it requires no brain power whatsoever.
I've been wasting my time on Facebook today. And looking at the two majors I'm deciding between for this next school year. College really is a bummer sometimes. I just want to go to school now, but I have to wait for the fall because I didn't get my act together soon enough for summer classes. That was really stupid. There's nothing I can do about it now though.
I'm looking into a Computer Science or Computer Engineering Degree. I'm thinking that the engineering one is not going to work out for me. I'm just not good at electrical stuff. Half of the classes are electrical engineering classes that will most likely kick my butt. Not that I don't want a challenge, but I just don't think that's really my thing. I love the programming and stuff, but not the EE.
Steve's been really supportive about it all and that's a good thing. I don't know where I'd be if it weren't for him. He said he'd even help me if I can't make the payment for school all on my own. As it looks right now I'm going to have to pretty much empty my bank account when school rolls around, that's not going to be fun.
Hopefully I can get over there sometime this week and get that all figured out. I want to do it without Steve because I think that it's something that I should be capable of doing on my own. If there are things that I need to talk to him about later then I will, but I don't want him there asking all the questions for me like I know he would. I just don't want to be a child anymore.
Well I guess I should get back to work. The rest of the day should be pretty uneventful. If not you'll hear about it tomorrow.
Yesterday was interesting. I went to visit Steve at work and I wasn't planning on staying the whole time but he got really disappointed when I said that I was going to leave so I kinda had to stay. It wasn't terrible, but it was definitely boring. I feel bad that he has to do that everyday. That would drive me insane.
I brought my knitting with me, but I forgot a scrap of waste yarn, so I had to stop once I got to the thumb hole. I'll bring it with me again today though so that I have something to do. I'm also going to bring the other two movies that I brought down for him to watch. He forgot to take them with him this morning. I'm going to take the fishes with too because my chicken tastes pretty bad without something to dip it in. There was really nothing to lose by taking it though.
So hopefully I'll get a picture up of my knitting when I finish it. I have a camera here with me. So I should take a picture before I leave tonight and then don't have the internet for a while again.
Time for me to pack up my things so that I don't have to do it later. I want to watch the olympic trials without interruptions.
So it's been about a MILLION years since my last post. Ok, so not really that long, but about 7 months. Things kinda went crazy. I made it through my volleyball season. I decided that it was my last year on the team. I got pretty terrible grades my first quarter at MSOE this year.
Second quarter started, and I nearly died. I was pitching and going to captains practices and wearing myself out going with Steve to his volleyball games for work. Most nights I really shouldn't have gone because I had tests to study for or homework to do, but I just didn't want to do it. I had lost all motivation for school this last year.
Softball finally started, I was made one of the captains which was awesome. And basically the only pitcher. We went to Michigan for a tournament and got our butts kicked and when we got home I got my exam results for second quarter. They were terrible again and my parents pulled the money. And needless to say, I couldn't afford to pay $8,000 to go to school third quarter.
So I've been out of school since February. I finally found a good job in May. I'm working as an Intern at DRS Technologies. My plan now is to go to MATC and take some classes towards a computer science degree at UW-Milwaukee. I tried to apply there first and wasn't accepted. Probably because I had a 2.0 at MSOE.
So that's where I stand. Maybe I'll finally start using this thing more often. I kinda feel like I need to remind myself. I don't even had internet at home yet. So I can only blog when I'm at work (if the net nanny doesn't block it) or at home. Right now I'm in a hotel in Wheeling, IL waiting for my boyfriend to get out of work so that we can go enjoy some dinner together. He's been down here for almost an entire month now. So I decided to come visit since I didn't have anything better to do.
He just bought a house and he got to stay there for a week and then a few weekends this past month. So he's a little frustrated that he has to live out of hotels when he has a home back in Wisconsin. And I'm frustrated because I'm living in a house all by myself that I don't even own. It's great.
So that should catch up all that's happened in the past few months. At least the major stuff.
Maybe I'll start posting my knitting projects in progress on here. That would involve me getting a decent camera though. O well....
If only life were simple.