Well work has made it nearly impossible for me to keep up with this. They had to go and block all social networking sites. i can't get on facebook or blogs at all anymore unless I want to use 10 minutes at a time of "quota time" for browsing extra curricular sites. I find it a little lame, but I can understand why they have to do that. I don't always have work to do so I'm not really using it to procrastinate or anything, but I'm sure a lot of other people would.
So anyway, now to start a fun story about my weekend...
It really started on Thursday night when I went over to my boyfriend's parents' house to spend the night. Steve wanted to use his dad Ray's truck to go deer hunting in the morning. So we went out there that night so that Ray could use Steve's car to get to work and Steve could use the truck. We spent that night setting up the new Wii that his parents just bought. Which was followed by a game of bowling and then Steve playing a game of baseball and losing miserably.
So then Friday I spent the morning playing on the Wii and knitting while Steve went hunting and his parents went to work. The day went by fairly quickly. Around 5 some of Steve's cousins came over to decorate cookies and I was there to help. Steve and Ray went out to see the new Bond movie which they said was pretty good. I was completely exhausted by the end of the night because the kids are really loud and they just take a lot out of you because they are constantly going. I love them to death, they are great and I have a great time with them, but they really are a handful. So we went home Friday night and got to sleep in our own bed again which was great. We sleep in a queen at home and when we stay over at Steve's parents' house we sleep on a twin. It's a bit of a difference.
Saturday we spent shopping and Steve was a little cranky after that so we took it easy for the afternoon. Then Steve said that he wanted to get some shopping done for my Christmas present so I let him do that while I sat at home and worked on my knitting project for Christmas gifts. I seriously don't want to look at them anymore, but there's really no turning back now.
So at this point it's getting a little late and Steve's been gone for a few hours and I'm wondering where he is because he really doesn't like shopping so I had no idea how he was out that long. He called me while he was on his way home and said that we should go grab some dinner and then walk through the lighted parks in downtown Milwaukee. So we went to Chipotle (great restaurant) and then went out walking. We also walked along the river walk because that was what we did the first time that we hung out over two years ago.
So we had walked around for a while and I was getting ready to get back to the car and go home and get warm because it was cooling off and I was a little tired. He took me over to a gazebo type thing in the lighted park and proposed to me!!!! So now I'm engaged!! I was so excited. I said yes right as he finished the question!! It was great. He picked out the ring all by himself and it's exactly how I wanted it.
So we spent Sunday calling people and showing up at his parents house again to tell them. His mom screamed her head off but she's super excited. So that was basically my weekend and now I'm procrastinating doing my take home final for sociology, but i should get going because I just read through the questions that I have to do and there's no way that I could finish them in the morning. This sucks... O well...I'm engaged that's totally awesome!!
Drive By
11 years ago