I've been sitting on the couch for the past half hour wondering what to do with myself and then I thought, "Hey! I can use my blog for my New Year's Resolution!"
I was at work back in October and some customers were complaining that they had too many projects on the needles and that it was driving them bonkers. I decided then to count in my head the number of projects that I had. When I got to 15 I though, "Maybe I should write this down." I bet you can't guess how many I had. 33. That's more than a project per month! Granted it is projects from the 6 years that I have been playing with yarn.
I mulled that over for about a week and then decided that something needed to be done. Not only do I have at least five pairs of socks that could be on cold feet, but five sweaters that I could be enjoying in this lovely 15 degree weather. So I am not going to purchase yarn or start new projects in the year 2011 until I have cleared my needles to one project. After that I will not allow myself to have going at one time more than three items and no more than one sweater at a time.
My husband thinks this is a great idea. He loves that I have a great hobby, but the sheer amount of project bags and needles and yarn is starting to get to him. He knows about the plan because I'm going to need all the support I can get. He's around me enough to know that if I've been camping out in my stash room for a few days that I've started a new project. I have also told my Monday night knitting group. They all thought I was crazy, until I told them the number of projects that I have sitting around.
You can watch my progress as the months go by on here and on ravelry. My ID there is also Dontpokeme311.
I've already finished a few projects since that wonderful day in October and it feels good. It even feels good to have it all organized and into separate project bags. As of the last count I have 32 projects to complete. That's almost three per month and it doesn't include the yarn that I have sitting around destined for a certain project.
It's going to be hard. I will try to put up a list in the next few days of what exactly I have to do. It should be fun. I'm excited now, but I work in a yarn shop, new fun yarn comes in everyday. I think I'll be wanting to shoot myself by the end of the year.
Anyone else has a good resolution?
Drive By
11 years ago