So it's already March, my birthday has passed and I haven't written here since January. Obviously I haven't put up pictures of all the things I have yet to finish with my knitting, but that doesn't mean I haven't been busy.
I have been amazingly good. I have not bought yarn, I did a commission project (a small boring scarf with awful yarn I didn't even bother taking a photo of), and I made 2 baby blankets. Other than those things I have been working on existing projects. It's hard.
I work in a knit shop. There is always new yarn, new books and patterns and loads of people coming in making beautiful things that I would just LOVE to try! Though at this point I think I'm starting to lose it. I saw someone knitting a small dog sweater and thought, "That looks neat." Umm....I DON'T HAVE A DOG! Not to mention that I think knitting a dog sweater is silly, mostly because I think small dogs are silly...big dogs don't need sweaters.
I have set aside yarn to buy when I do get down to 3 projects, but I still have a long way to go. I do get to start a new baby blanket for a friend who is having her baby in June. Hopefully that will hold me for a while.
I have 3 projects that are so close to being finished it's almost criminal. I have a shawl that has about 15 rows left which doesn't seem like a whole lot, but the rows are in the hundreds of stitches. Activity rows take me at least 30 minutes and that is when no one is interrupting me. I am making an upside down sweater that was all the rage at the knitting shop this fall. I have 3 more inches and a few ends to weave in. No seaming! So when I do those 3 inches I'm finished. I also have a cardigan that I am test crocheting for my friend. All i have left to do there is the other sleeve, which will be much faster than the first because I don't have to count to make sure that the pattern is working out. And then I need to make the trim.
If I actually take the time to work on these things then there is a possibility that I could have three finished objects by the end of this weekend. Awesome.
I have finished my NORO sweater, I should post a picture, but I don't have a nice one yet. Though it does look awesome. After I finish those other projects it will be time to dive into the pile and pick a few more to finish. I'm actually enjoying finishing these projects. It's nice to be able to add a pair of socks or a sweater to my wardrobe.
I'll have to post pictures, but then next time that I may have a chance to get here with any decent amount of time will be Saturday.
I'm still itching to start something new, especially a summer tank or something, but I need to stay strong. All the money that I don't spend on yarn will go towards going back to Mexico this next winter.
I'm going to knit now...
Drive By
11 years ago