So I sit next to a girl named Angie. She's awesome and I have a lot of fun working with her. I just can't stand this guy that comes over to talk to her at least once a day, and it's usually two times. He spends all of his time telling her what she should be doing with her life and I just want to kick him in the nuts every time I hear his voice. I'm usually very conscious about trying to be tolerant of people and not judge them on stupid things like an annoying voice and things like that, but I can't help it with this guy. He's already annoying because of his " I know more than you" attitude and then he's got an annoying voice to go with that. One day I thought I was going to kill him because he was giving Angie a hard time about an event that she put together. I guess she was completely wrong on the type of food that she had there because not everyone likes lasagna and that even though there was a vegetarian version that it wasn't enough because some people don't like pasta and then the only thing that they could eat was the salad. I guess I just didn't know that there were so many things to think about when coordinating a meal for that many people, but he honestly didn't give her any slack. I guess this guy is the main person in charge of the renovation that we're doing here at DRS. We're actually starting to see more visual improvements, but I still don't think there is any way that they are going to make their deadline on all of this, and there's no what that there is going to be enough room. The only way there is going to be enough room is if they get rid of people, and they claim that they aren't going to do that. I think that's a bunch of bull shit.
So anyway, things at work are going alright aside from that guy. I had so much stuff to do this morning that I didn't even check my yahoo e-mail until 11!! Most of the time I hit 8:30 and I'm out of things to do already and on the web goofing around. It was a nice change of pace, time really flew by because I had things to keep me busy that were somewhat using my brain. That's my other problem besides not having enough work. Most of the time when I get work it's something so mindless that it just makes the day go by even slower. I've learned a little bit more though, so now I'm getting into better tasks that actually make me think and analyze things. I should really be working on one of things right now but that's alright.
I'm getting a little excited for going to see Batman tonight. I know that I'm going to be dead tired tomorrow, but that's what Midnight showings of movies do to you. I'm going to have to get up early to take Steve to work and then I'll probably go back home and sleep some more before I really get up and go over to MATC to schedule my classes for the fall. I really hope that things work out well for that and that I"ll have time to go to work as well. I don't know if I was to try and go to night school or not. That could be a little weird. And then i wouldn't see Steve at all. I would still have my work time though...That might be the better idea...Then Steve doesn't need to have someone else take him home. He can either drop me off at school or let me take him home and then I can take the bus back to Brown Deer Rd. I'll have to look that up.
Ok, not wasting anymore time, looking all that stuff up now...toodles.
Drive By
11 years ago
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