So I finally got internet at my house on the 9th, yet I haven't written on here since the 7th. Things got a little crazy when our air conditioner crapped out on us. That and I don't really feel comfortable writing on here when Steve is around. I know that he would be able to find it no problem. It's not like I really say anything bad about him, it's just nice to have something that he doesn't have to be involved in all the time. I know that he would ask weird questions and other things if he was reading this all the time. It's not like I'm really talking to anyone on here. I doubt anyone that's stumbled across this site has even stopped to read past the first two sentences of one of my blogs.
I really want to start getting pictures up on here. It would really help if I could find my camera. It would be great to find it so that I could take pictures of the few things that I've finished knitting the past few weeks. I still have a few projects that are in the works that I just need to sit down and finish before I start something else. I would love to make some of these kewl socks that I found on the Harry Potter section. It's something that I've wanted to make for a while but I can't seem to find the time or I forget about them.
I have to get up early tomorrow even though I'm not going to work because I'm going to go give blood. I really wish the Brown Deer Donation Center would let me donate plasma. It's just more efficient than donating whole blood. We'll see though. I can't keep driving out to Waukesha all the time with gas prices going up so much.
Anyway, I made a new friend on facebook the other day. He's really got one of the kewlest names I've ever heard. I found out after adding him as a friend that he's from Greece!! How awesome is that?! He's my sister's age. Just about 13 years old. It seems weird for a 20 year old to be talking to someone that young, but I think it's pretty kewl. It's not like I have any bad intentions, it's just nice to make a new friend. Maybe I'll have to start being a pen pal with him. That would be great.
I guess that I could try and find something to do here at work, but I just don't feel like working after that lunch I had. Steve and I went to a Chinese Buffet. It was excellent, as it was last time we went. That was back in May on the day of my interview here at DRS. That was a crazy day. Never again will I drink an iced coffee from McDonald's before going into an interview. That thing kicked my butt so far into high gear I was shaking all afternoon. And I only drank half of it.
Well I think I'm going to try and print off those patterns for those socks so that I have them in my hand when I get home tonight. I told Steve that we should have a no computer night and spend some time together watching a movie or something. I still can't sit still even when I'm watching a movie. So I'll make sure that I have something to knit while I'm sitting there. Hopefully I won't have to think too hard and I'll be able to make some kewl looking socks that I can wear sometime soon. Too bad I can't wear skirts at work, otherwise I could show off a bunch of kewl socks. Damn pants and close toed shoes rules. They need to clean this place up.
Drive By
11 years ago
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