I still have quite a few things to do on my to do list. I finished a lot of things, the short term things obviously.
I actually took quite a while to get my laundry done. I only did one load every 5 days or so. I finally caught up. I have one load to do tonight, but that's from the weekend because we spent a night at Steve's parents' house and then were busy all day on Sunday.
I have my MATC e-mail, but I'm having trouble logging into the computer database to sign up for classes. I might have to make a trip there on Wednesday to get my classes before they are closed.
I haven't even touched all of my junk that my sister brought over, and the only time i did anything with my dresser was when I got dressed in the morning. So that still needs to be done. i might have to do that tonight while Steve watches Scrubs. That's really starting to drive me nuts. I pretty much spend my time sitting on the couch listening to it and working the HP scarf for Peter. I'm getting pretty far pretty fast on that thing, hopefully I can finish it before the movie comes out. That would be perfect. I'm almost done with one of the socks that I'm making. They are a little bit big for my feet, so I'm thinking that I might give them to my mom or something. That would be kewl.
I haven't touched the blanket or the plastic canvas things either. Those are things I tend to work on when Steve isn't around. I don't want to start those duck or goose pictures until I have more of my other stuff finished or more organized.
I've done quite a bit of going through the knitting and crocheting sites and playing my game. Maybe I'll have to do that tonight while Steve watches Scrubs. Sometimes he'll play with me too, and that's always fun.
I haven't found my camera to take pictures yet. I want to find it before we go up north this weekend. I think it would be nice to have my camera with me.
On another note...I'm looking into getting hermit crabs again. I love them so much, but I don't think that Steve is really a fan. It might have to be something that I keep in the "crafty room" so that he doesn't have to see them. I don't want to get them until after we get our fish though, and he doesn't seem to enthusiastic about that either. I want to eventually go to furniture deals and steals and see if we can find a table that would work for our walkway to hold the fish on. It's going to have to be able to hand quite a lot of weight and have to be relatively thin so that people can still walk into our house.
I miss having crabs because you can actually interact with them. They don't talk back or anything, but you can hold them and feed them and stuff like that. I still have my set up from the crabs at my parents' house. I think that I will definitely need to take the car this Wednesday and go home and get it while Steve isn't there. I might want to see if there's anything else at my parents' house that I need. Maybe I'll have to make some Banana bread to take up north. That would be a great breakfast thing. That would be wonderful. I know that if i go to the pet store I will end up coming home with a new crab but I can't do that. Not when I'm going to be going up north for the weekend and won't be able to take care of him. Maybe I"Ll be able to find one while I'm up north and convince Steve to let me take him home. Or I might have to sneak him home. That would be interesting.
Well yea...I guess that's all for now. That was quite the scattered post. But that's how my brain goes.
Drive By
11 years ago
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