So we're finally getting internet at our house! That means I'll be able to post more often.
That's if the internet works. We've used Time Warner in the past and they haven't done the best job. For almost an entire month we had some super shotty internet service. I didn't work early in the morning or after about 9 at night. If they were trying to do something to fix other problems it would have been nice to know about it.
I had a few mornings where I needed to finish a little something on the computer and all of the sudden the internet would crap out on me. It was really frustrating and stressful. I guess I don't really have that problem anymore. I'll have school, but it's going to be a lot easier now that I won't be at MSOE.
I really want to get a new computer, but it doesn't look like I'll have enough money for that. It would be great because Steve's computer is kinda dying. I've been keeping a look out for computer deals. I check nearly everyday, but I still haven't found anything really worth throwing $600 at. Anything less than that really isn't a quality computer. I'm not looking to spend a whole lot of money, but reviews online are very helpful. It's nice to look at what other people have to say about things and then hop over to the store and buy it.
I really can't follow a logical train of thought this morning. My friend Erin might be coming over for dinner tomorrow night. That should be fun. I hope that the guy from Time Warner is gone by then. I've heard they have a tendancy to show up late. Like 2 hours after their scheduled time. I really don't want that to be the case tomorrow. I'd like to have that all done before dinner is ready. He's supposed to come from 3-5 sometime, so if he is there on time he'll be gone before 6 without a problem.
We have a guy coming to service our air conditioner tomorrow too. That'll be around 1:00. I have to remember to have Steve write out that check for me. That should be a blast.
I should probably get back to work for a while. Maybe I'll have to write more later. I finished another knitting project, so now that I'm going to have internet I'll be able to post a picture of it!! yay! That'll be a good thing. I'll start to online scrap book my creations!!! woohoo!! OK, toodles.
Drive By
11 years ago
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