so today has been interesting. it should also be interesting for me to type it. My typing is completely off today. I can't figure out why I'm having so much trouble.
I'm excited can't you tell?? So that was a good feeling last night when he got home. It was really nice to see him.
I'm at work right now. Steve is here too though he didn't want to be here that long. He was just going to stop in and wirte up his expense reports and head home for the rest of the day and pick me up at 4, but he got roped into doing work because Byron is a jerk. Steve gets back so Byron decides that he can leave for the holiday weekend and Steve can just finish his work for him. I think it would have been better for Steve to have helped out at Rockwell if he was gonig to have to do work today. The unit arrived and then they decided that the unit was too heavy to move with the equipment that they had there and that they needed to bring it back to DRS to get it off the skid it was on. So Steve's getting super pissed about that because if they miss their test dates next week then they won't get a chance to test again for about 4 months!! That's pretty nuts. And if he would have known that things weren't going to go well he wouldn't have busted his ass while he was in Illinois to get his stuff done.
So I'm sitting here waiting for my manager to go over the report that I'm supposed to send out. I sent it to him about 3 hours ago and he still hasn't looked at it. I just reminded him about it because he finally came back after disappearing after lunch and he's talking to another girl that I work with about something else. I really would just like to send that report out because it's done and his manager would like to get it and he's the one that my manager is looking at it for. He's making sure that his manger doesn't have anything late and I already told him that he doesn't So I really don't know what's taking him so long.
We might go to see the fireworks tonight at the Lakefront with my friends from high school. It all depends on how Steve feels though. I kinda wanted to know by now so that I could let people know, but I guess it's going to have to wait.I'll be texting them later today saying that we're not going to be there. I just hope that I remember to do it before they wait for me for dinner.
It's kinda fun to write these long blogs, it helps me get through the day even if it does only take me 5 minutes to write even when I'm typing like crap. I doubt anyone would want to read it though, but that's ok. I guess it's time for me to end because there's nothing else of importance to write about. Not that anything I already wrote was all that important.
Drive By
11 years ago
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